Mackerel tuna fishing
A great day fishing with Barry. Came across a school of mackerel tuna, frigate runa and bonito.
A great day fishing with Barry. Came across a school of mackerel tuna, frigate runa and bonito.
I gave a talk on Domain-specifixc FPGAs for Radio Frequency Machine Learning at the First Workshop on Domain-Specialized FPGAs.
It’s easy to modify a Victorinox Foldable Paring Knife to a drop point profile.
Here is how to service an ETEC 50hp outboard including fuel filter, gearcase oil and water pump.
Setting up my Debian home server.
Please note that I receive a large number of emails from students wishing to join the Computer Engineering Lab (CEL), School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney. The...
The Computer Engineering Laboratory is on the 8th Floor of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Building J03), The University of Sydney. My office is Room 837 (inside Lab 830) and the...
Photos from our Christmas parties over the years. Thanks to Oliver for taking the photo again this year.
A farm tour and repairs to a forklift and Massey Ferguson tractor.
My boat trailer is about 10 years old and on the original set of bearings. I guess it’s time to change them.
This post explains how to program the memories of a Yaesu FTM-500DR via the microSD card (instead of a cable).
For quite a while I’ve wanted to mount LUKS-encrypted partitions to my MacOS machines (here is how to do it in Windows). This post describes a way to do it using UTM virtual machine.
Instructions for the above based on
Over the Easter break, went on a fly-fishing trip to the South Island of New Zealand with Beard. My last trip was in 2015,
This is the first problem I’ve had with my Stacer 429 (very similar to the Quintrex 420SC Renegade) since I purchased it in 2015. The live bait tank pump stopped working. Here are the steps I used...
Photos from our Christmas parties over the years. Thanks to Oliver for taking the photo again this year.
This is a trip report from the NANDA workshop in London.
Photos from the University of Sydney Open Day 2023. Thanks so much for those that helped out.
After many years of planning, the Shepherd St Building construction at the University of Sydney is commencing. Here are some photos from the Smoking Ceremony to ward off bad spirits. Here are some ...
Resources on the history of computing in Australia: Graeme Philipson, A Vision Splendid - The History of Australian Computing, 2017 John Deane, Connections in the History of Australian Computi...
The Electron Density and Debris Instrument (EDDI) that I’ve been working on with Quinn Musulin, Iver Cairns and Joe Khachan was delivered. The instrument measures electric field spectrum using a di...
Photos from the 2023 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day. More information in the Manly Warringah Radio Society post.
Went for a 1 week holiday in Phuket. It was many years ago that we were last there.
I am on sabbatical this semester so on my return trip from the FPGA conference, I came back the long way via England, Italy, Switzerland and Hong Kong. The purpose was give a lecture about our rece...
This is the Victorinox store in Lausanne.
We presented a tutorial on Deep Learning-Optimized FPGA Archiectures, slides available here. It was an updated version of our previous tutorial.
The forecast was for 20 knot wind and rain. Who would be crazy enough to go fishing?
A repeat trip with Derek (Warren’s brother) and his 12-year old son Eden. Here is the report from 2019
Had an amazing time at the International Conference on Field Programmable Technology in Hong Kong, the 21st conference in the series.
Photos from our Christmas parties over the years. This year we were joined by David’s dog. Thanks to Oliver for taking the photo!
Here is an excellent primer on scheme, a lisp-like programming language.
My wife wanted me to build her a shoe rack. Since you can buy one from Ikea for $20 and it is hardly going to be furniture, why not spend a day building one for considerably more?
The importance of stupidity in scientific research by Martin A. Schwartz is good essay on the nature of research. It explains that research is immersion in the unknown, we don’t know what we are do...
Here are some photos from the MICRO22 conference in Chicago. where we presented a tutorial on Deep Learning-Optimized FPGA Archiectures, slides available here.
While overseas, suddenly stopped working.
A really good entry to the International Obsfucated C Code Contest.
Here are installation instructions for installing Docker and running the software required for ELEC3608 Computer Architecture.
I had not used the Windows Subsystem for Linux before as it didn’t support encrypted drives. It has come a long way and here are some notes.
Some links about boat maintenance.
Photos from the Manly Warringah Radio Society setting up in the Berrima Scout Hall for the Trans-Tasman Low-Band Contest.
Visited the Bodangora Wind Farm, owned by Iberdrola Australia (wikipedia entry here. It is located near Dubbo, has 33 turbines and capacity of 113.2 MW.
How hard could it be to fix a dripping tap? I’ve been battling with this one in my mother’s kitchen for several decades.
Here are some links to information on the Breville Dual Boiler. Ours is the BES920 espresso machine and BCG820BSS grinder.
Wife returned home with the Corolla’s Check Engine light blinking and the car sputtering on 3 cylinders.
Organised a symposium at the Quantum Terminal.
Some photos from Lakemba Ramadan Nights Food Festival 2022.
The Yaesu FT-817ND was for many years the ultimate low-power (5W) all-band radio.
A good and relatively inexpensive 2m/70cm handie talkie (HT) is the Yaesu VX-6R. It is compact and rugged. While still available in Australia, it was discontinued in the US in Dec 2020.
How to install proxmox on a single server with 2 disks (SSD and hard disk). This was for Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.1-7.
Here are some tips for using Windows Subsystem for Linux.
This is a $20 rice cooker from Taobao which stopped working with an E1 error just when we had family over for dinner.
I found this post very interesting and the analysis spot on The solution is to start working seriously much earlier - not only will you pass, you mig...
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Wishing everyone a happy and successful Chinese New Year!
How to install Debian Linux under an ARM 64 bit (aarch64) emulation using qemu.
Taken from the Harbour Bridge.
In this summer of fishing, went to Pittwater with Beard and Carol (my student).
Had a good morning fishing with Wenjie and Bo in the Hawkesbury.
This was planned as a family trip but Nicole was a COVID close contact the day prior to departure so couldn’t participate.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
Congratulations to our graduating students this semester. This was the first time I’ve had 3 PhDs in the same ceremony.
Motorhome We rented a motorhome this year. It’s a Mercedes Sprinter with all the fancy features like hot water and shower.
The misadventure began when Barry called me at 10pm the night prior to tell me he was a COVID close contact and could not make the fishing trip.
I’ve never heard of any oven failing but ours went bang after my wife opened the door.
A collection of historical records on Sir John Percival Vissing Madsen (1879-1969) from his grandson, Roger Madsen.
Down on numbers again this year due to COVID but we had another good Christmas party at Balls Head. People that attended but missing from the photo were Barry and Kathy Flower, Bo Peng and Ian Hedd...
Historical polaroids from Chris Z.
This brush turkey tried to bite my camera.
Instructions on how to install Vivado 2020.1 under Ubuntu Linux 20.04.
Photo of my workbench.
This is a fix to the “No Audio Output Device is Installed Problem” which occurs after a Windows Update.
A short list of great jazz muscians and recordings, mostly standards.
This optimisation came up in a consulting job for CruxML. A common pattern in embedded programming or high-level synthesis is if-bit-then, i.e. test a bit and modify a variable depending on the re...
Hired a Toyota Hiace campervan and went for a drive to Moree via Muswellbrook and Tamworth.
Nothing much happened the entire morning except for a brief moment when Beard and I had a double hookup.
This was the first time I attended Wyong Field day 2021 “Mayham”.
This is how a new machine, flathead, was configured.
My friend Charlie’s boat was at the dock for anti-fouling and I gave him a hand.
Took our 2016 Forester to Subaru for a service. They called me back asking if I wanted to pay $143 to replace the Cabin Air/Pollen filter.
It started off as a rather routine Easter fishing day trip to Mooney Mooney with Warren.
NOTE this post has been superseded by
Here is how you tell what types of trailer bearings you have without taking them out.
How to get started with a BeagleBone Green (BBG) including installation, internet, GPIO, device tree, Si5351 interface via i2c and cross compiling the kernel.
Made a trip to Buckenderra Holiday Village on Lake Eucumbene for a very hot Australia Day weekend.
Went for a fish in Sydney Harbour with Beard this afternoon.
This post details building an ARM linux image via buildroot, emulation using QEMU and using it for emulated GPIO.
As has been the custom for many years, I went for a camping/fishing trip with high-school friend Warren on the Hawkesbury River (here is a list of previous trips).
Went to Tasmania for a few days. Last time I was here was 2015.
A little late this year (and down on numbers due to COVID) but we had an enjoyable Christmas party.
This is how a new machine, albacore, was configured.
Barry and I were in Canberra on a CruxML business trip and had a quick fish in Googong Dam.
Copy a LUKS volume This is how to copy a LUKS partition from back1 to back2.
Drove with Beard for 16 hours for 10 hours fishing at Lake Inverell.
This is how a new machine, amberjack, was configured.
Using Docker, installation of the Xilinx Vivado tools can be automated and isolated.
Went to visit Prickle Farmer in Crookwell and take some photographs.
A small collection of Parker 45 pens.
This post has been superseded by
Went with Beard for a day trip to Lake Wallace in the Blue Mountains. It was a rainy day but fortunately not too windy.
Went for a drive to Lightning Ridge in the central north of NSW. It is an opal mining town and the major source of the rare black opal.
Early walk on a very foggy morning.
A collection of interesting computing and server links.
Went for a drive to Dubbo as a cure for cabin fever.
New Install Ubuntu 20.04.3 (28/8/2021)
Here is a short video describing our work on FPGA-based machine learning for real-time automatic modulation classification (AMC).
Picked up this “not working” Codan radio on Gumtree.
Cleaning up some old stuff and found this from the 70’s.
One of my favorite dishes is smoked duck.
It only takes about 10 min to make a stove that burns methylated spirits from a coke can.
Photo of my undergraduate graduation class, Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Sydney.
I purchased a TL-WPA4220 which was was unreliable. The connection did not stay up more than a day or so.
This Stanley mattock has had a loose head for a few years now. Time to fix it properly.
Links to Jascha Heifetz documentaries, masterclasses and performances.
A stapler is one of the more important pieces of academic equipment.
On Engineering - Herbert Hoover
Here is a collection of amateur radio links.
Wanted to make a camp kitchen for a while to use on the boat.
I was having problems charging my Canon G9x via USB.
My Honda HRU19D has gone 10 years without a service.
Installation of software for Ettus B210.
When doing a bundle update I got an error telling me that installing ffi failed, and the following had to be fixed: ``` phwl@x86_64-apple-darwin13 % gem install ffi -v ‘1.12.2’ –sou...
Openconnect makes it easy to use the University of Sydney VPN on Ubuntu.
The Manly Warringah Radio Society activated Barrington Tops in the John Moyle Memorial Field Day this year.
Here is how I configured Anaconda and Pytorch 0.4.1 on the Ubuntu 18.04 system mentioned here. This was for running DTWnet.
Over a couple of weekends, made a raised garden bed for the back garden.
Today on the operating table we have a mid-2011 iMac with a dead hard disk.
Some interesting links.
Photos from North Brother Lookout.
Photos from Balls Head.
Warren’s brother, Derek and his son Eden were visiting from Broome and we took them out on the Hawkesbury. We only had a few hours and the tides were not quite right.
Went to the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden to see the David McVicar production of The Magic Flute.
Photos from the 2019 Spring VHF/UHF Field Day. More information at the Manly Warringah Radio Society site.
We continue to have the world’s earlier Christmas party!
Congratulations to Rijul Gupta who graduated today with first-class honours. This photo shows him receiving his degree from the Chancellor, Belinda Hutchinson. In the foreground, from the right is ...
Carried an electric stove all the way back from Shanghai only to drop and break the plastic case.
This was the first trip for Warren and I for the season. We were on the way to Milson Island when the engine started hesitating and then stopped.
Publications list in Markdown For many years I’ve been using a convoluted process to generate my publications list from separate bibtex files for journals, conferences, books, patents, etc. I thou...
Shenzhen I always look forward to visiting Hong Kong and Shanghai. Here are some photos from the trip.
Some new machines arrived in the lab including a Dell XPS 8930 Desktop with Dell UltraSharp U2518D monitor.
Activation of Barrenjoey Lighthouse with the Manly Warringah Radio Society (MWRS) on the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend. There are more photos at the MWRS writeup.
[ <a href= "/assets/images/2019/07/IMG_1116-large.jpg" > <img src= "/assets/images/2019/07/IMG_1116-large.jpg" alt=""> <figcaption> </figcaption></a>...
Chris Dick was kind enough to introduce me to his friend, Dick Benson W1QG, a retired hardware development engineer. We went to visit his very impressive shack (which was not difficult to spot from...
I have been using Wordpress for many years. It produces good looking websites and is easy to install and maintain. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy at all to backup the website, and the interface is al...
Interesting talk by the late MIT mathematician and philosopher
I visited my PhD supervisor, Dr Marwan Anwar Jabri last week in San Francisco. He left academia to found Dilithium Networks which was then acquired by OnMobile Global Ltd. He is now Founder at Neur...
Dropbox is a widely used program but they have a wide-open back door which allows them to circumvent Apple’s (good) security features. Upon startup, they ask for you to enter your administrator pa...
The mako shark is one of the fastest and most ferocious fish in the sea. They can swim up to 69 km/h (42 mph) and jump 6m (20 feet) in the air. There two species, the shortfin (Isurus oxyrinchus) a...
Went for a two day trip to Yosemite National Park, staying at Yosemite Cedar Lodge. It is such a magnificent place. Wish I had more time there to take photos.
It seemed like a good idea to remove all the accumulated rubbish on my MacBook Pro and install what I really needed. Here are the steps:
Impressed by the Intel NUC8i7BEH. It went together easily, requiring only a Philips head. Installed Ubuntu linux and it is pretty fast and quiet.
On the second weekend of Mar-Sep, the Electronics Flea Market runs in the carpark of Fry’s Electronics, Sunnyvale CA. I arrived at 8am because I thought I might be the only one there at the startin...
The FPGA Fly-Fishing Symposium 2019 (FFF’19) was a post-FPGA Conference workshop, attended by Guy, Ken and I.
I really liked my Canon S120 but it met its demise by being drowned in coffee. Replaced it with a very similar Canon G9X mk II which has a larger, 1” sensor. From my limited time with the new camer...
Photos from the Berkeley Wireless Research Center 20th Year Anniversary.
Made the 16 hour return drive to Las Vegas for a long weekend. Here are some photos.
It was cold and wet today but good to get out with Beard and son in Sydney Harbour. First time I can remember the temperature high and low being 21 C in the middle of summer.
Thought I’d post a photo of what I’m going to take on my upcoming 6 month trip the US for my “every day carry” or EDC.
Returned to the Hawkesbury River with Warren and my daughter Nicole. Last time I was there camping with Nicole was in 2009. The fishing was tough and the trip reasonably uneventful. Here are my sna...
Following the FPT conference, we had a great evening at The Bar on the top floor of the Hyatt Regency in Naha, Okinawa.
Hosted by Prof Hiroki Nakahara and Prof Yuko Hara-Azumi, I gave a talk entitled “Large Scale FPGA Implementations of Machine Learning Algorithms” (slides available at /talks) at the Tokyo Institute...
Passing through Tokyo this week and took the opportunity to visit a few amateur radio shops in Akihabara. <a href= "/assets/images/2018/12/DSCF5835.jpg" > <img src= "/assets/imag...
My mother bought this Marantz 74CD67 CD player in 1996. Twenty years later, it was unable to read reliably.
Embedded Machine Learning: Technology and Opportunities
Had a short holiday prior to giving my 2018 Reconfigurable Computing course at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). Photos herein are mainly of food.
Lecture Notes (0-cel, 1-intro-cn, 1-lstm, 2-architecture, 3-exploration, 4-parallelism, 5-integration, 6-customisation, 7-precision, 8-mca, 9-kernelarch)
Couldn’t believe this was the first time this year Warren and I fished Mooney Mooney. It was forecast to be 13-31 Celcius, 10 degrees above the average and the first warm day of spring. Wind was to...
Setup of a Dell Inspiron 13 7000 running Windows 10 Pro at USyd
Q&A session with Nobel laureates Joachim Frank (Columbia) and Dan Shechtman (Technion, Israel), moderated by Julie Carney.
TED talks from some of the best documentary photographers.
Took a train trip to Chengdu for Sichuan food prior to the Performance-Aware Programming with Application Accelerators (PAPAA) 2018 Workshop in Hong Kong.
Frankfurt street scene with multiple reflections: barber shop with guy’s ghostly head, girls walking and shops. <a href= "/assets/images/2018/07/DSCF5430.jpg" > <img src= "/asse...
University of Kassel Amateur Radio Club station. Here I am with a sausage, received as honorarium for giving a lecture.
Prior to the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in Salt Lake City, went on an awesome fly-fishing trip, hosted by Brent in Provo, Utah. My previous trip was in 2008.
26 May 2018
Anderson Powerpole connectors are the standard for 12V amateur radio equipment. Instructions are here: and this figure shows the correct o...
I was not able to find much information on how to program Australian repeaters into my Icom IC-2730A. I did this under a Windows 7 VirtualBox virtual machine since I thought all I needed was the Ic...
Really amazing craftsmanship on this table.
Went to Shanghai again to collaborate with Prof Lingli Wang at Fudan University.
Tim VK2BT, Dave VK2JDS and Owen VK2OL
Refinishing a footstool I made about 5 years ago in Tasmanian Oak. It was my take on this elegant design published in Fine Woodworking
Despite it being really windy, had a good day of fishing with Beard and his son Lachlan in Pittwater.
This nice camphor laurel slab was purchased at the Sydney Timber and Working with Wood Show.
Ken came from Seattle to Sydney for a few solid days of fishing. I’m going to call this FFF’18 (even though it was in 2017 and the real FFF’18 was Ken and Guy fishing in NZ).
The source code for the paper:
Ken came to visit from Seattle so Beard and I took a day off on Friday to go car-camping in Forster.
At my first International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend with the Manly Warringah Radio Society, operating from Barrenjoey Lighthouse. Here is their writeup:
Vivado 2017.4 Version (Aug 2018)
I had a lot of trouble making an Ubuntu boot USB drive from OSX. The instructions on don’t work in general. I think ther...
My electronics doesn’t normally involve a hacksaw, hammer and propane torch but I had fun building this J-pole antenna from instructions by N6JSX.
The Dish
Sydney Skyline from Balls Head
Introduction Wandering around Sim City in Hong Kong, a mint Fujifilm X100T jumped out and emptied my wallet. This is the first digital camera I really like as it is small, quiet and fast, making it...
Travelled to Shanghai to visit my collaborators at Fudan University over Easter 2017.
Gordon Bell gave a talk at the University of Sydney today. He signed my computer engineering book.
An awesome fishing report that Michael Zhu sent to me via Facebook Messenger.
The 3rd annual FPGA Fly Fishing Workshop (FFF’17) was down on attendance, only Ken and myself participating from the 19-20th Feb, 2017. This year, it was on the Trinity River, California, fishing f...
Photos from Mungo Brush beach.
First fish of 2017 is a tailor (and it was a fluke).
Photos from another great trip to the Hawkesbury River.
Departed on a beautiful early-summer Sydney morning in late Nov.
I participated in the 2nd FPGA Fly-Fishing (FFF’16) Symposium in Seattle WA, hosted by Ken and attended by Guy, Aaron (not pictured below) and myself. The previous FFF was in New Zealand and is des...
Here are some photos from the School of Electrical and Information Engineering retreat in Manly.
We had a very successful Croucher PAPAA workshop at Hong Kong University.
Spent a week in Osaka, the last time we were there was 2013.
Took this photo of Danny Lim, Activist, outside Redfern station. A nice guy and quite a character!
Luderick (otherwise known as blackfish) are among my favourite targets as they are quite plentiful in Sydney Harbour and the fishing is very visual. The rig involves a green weed or sea lettuce on ...
A camping trip with Warren to the Hawkesbury has become an annual event but unfortunately, we couldn’t do it this year but went for a day trip. This was also our first fishing trip there in the new...
After attending the International Conference on Field Programmable Technology, Brent, Ken and myself took a 5-day fly-fishing trip around the Omarama region of the South Island in New Zealand. We c...
A westward looking photograph of Sydney with the Eastern Suburbs in the foreground, Sydney CBD and Harbour in the middle, and the Blue Mountains in the distance. It is a post processed using techni...
Traded in the Quintrex for a new Stacer Outlaw 429 with Evinrude 50 hp at Huett Marine. I highly recommend them as they are great people to deal with and very knowledgeable.
Didn’t realise that we have had this boat since 1993. It has performed faultlessly over this period and the Evinrude 30hp outboard still starts first pull.
In all my years of fishing, we were fortunate not to have had a bad injury. There was the time Beard, Warren and myself tried to run a rapid on the Katherine River in the Northern Territories in a ...
A great honour to hang out with the inimitable Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (and Taylor Swift) this morning. A real gentleman.
A gallery of photographs taken around Cradle Mountain, Tasmania.
Much like previous years, went to do some fishing in the Hawkesbury River over the Christmas break. This time, Beard joined us. Nothing too different from other trips and a good time was had by all.
Our boat was purchased around 1991 and has served us well. It is jointly owned with my close university friends, Beard and Warren. We were pleased to go out together for the first time in more than...
Our trips to the Hawkesbury River have become an annual event.
Following the International Conference on Field Programmable Technology we spent some time in Kyoto and Osaka.
A photograph of the Sydney University Open Day from a weather balloon above the tower of the main quadrangle. This photo was made with Sydney University Electrical and Information Engineering stude...
After a superb trip to Harbin in winter, I returned in summer to attend the ICEMI conference, kindly hosted again by Prof Peng Yu, Prof Shaojun Wang and Mr Yeyong Pang from Harbin Institute of Te...
Photos from a short trip to Cowan Creek on a foggy morning. More after the jump.
I had the opportunity to visit the Nelson Bay Golf Course and observe the tagging programme of semi-wild Eastern Grey Kangaroos being conducted by a colleague in Veterinary Science. Our interest in...
Some photos from The Gap, Watsons Bay, Sydney this morning at sunrise.
Our Sydney University Electrical Engineering students, Stephen Tridgell and David Portelli successfully made a high-altitude balloon launch from Blayney, NSW. Stephen’s report is after the jump.
I had an excellent trip to Shanghai last year and wrote about it here. I was fortunate enough to be invited back.
Went for a drive this morning to Akuna Bay. Fog was coming off the river and this photograph was taken on the road between Akuna Bay and Church Point.
Had a really cool time in Harbin.
Went for a fish in Sydney Harbour with my neighbour Michael. Had a great time catching luderick (otherwise known as blackfish).
Lake Eucumbene is an alpine lake about 500km south west of Sydney. My fishing mate, Beard (nickname which refered to his facial hair - he doesn’t have one anymore but the name stuck), and I made a ...
In what has turned out to become an annual event, went on a 4 day camping trip to the Hawkesbury River with my high-school friend, Warren. We camp on a beach which is only accessible by boat.
The University of Sydney’s Molonglo Radio Observatory is located about 3-4 hours south of Sydney. It is being used to prototype some of the technologies in the proposed Square Kilometer Array.
Spent a fortnight over Easter in Shanghai,
Went with Warren to the Hawkesbury River for 3 days of fishing and camping.
I only have this as a pdf file but this link contains the story of my 2011 trip to London: london-2011.
Check out Elaine’s amazing motorcycle trip around Australia here
This photo of Sydney was taken from Kirribilli, not too far from the Harbour Bridge.
In return for my sins I was sent to Ottawa for the week.
The 1 million hectare Blue Mountains is a World Heritage listed National Park in NSW Australia. Its name comes from the blueish haze that often appears above it due to evaporation of eucalyptus oil...
I was honoured to have received this pen from my ex-students at CUHK.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has a beautiful campus. Here are some photographs.
Here are some street photos from Hong Kong.
Here are some photographs of Hong Kong.
I was asked by Prof Evangeline Young to give a “Lunchtime Pizza talk” on the 15th May, 2009. Here is the text of the talk which is not really about fishing but concerns graduate research.
Here are some photos taken from a trip to Beijing and Harbin in 2009.
Photo from Beijing ski trip.
Went on a 4 day fishing trip to Booti Booti National Park with my mates, Warren and Chris despite unfavourable tides and weather. Life’s too short to only go fishing when conditions are good. We we...
Forster is about a four hour drive from Sydney. Went on a very brief overnight camping/fishing trip with my good friends from Sydney University, Warren and Chris.
My trip to Finland coincided with the Midsummer Festival, an event which I was lucky enough to share with my host Tero.
Making ice cream using liquid nitrogen at Imperial College.
The Victorinox Soldier is the classic Swiss Army knife (SAK). Each has a date stamp and this set is from 1934, 1965, 1970 and 1997. Also note the evolution of the blade (from clip point to spear po...
From Sydney, going trout fishing requires commitment. It is either an 8 hour drive to the Snowy Mountains or a plane trip to New Zealand. From Hong Kong, it is even more difficult. In London, I fou...
Fished Meon Springs yesterday. It was my first fishing trip in the UK and my first experience fishing a managed, stocked fishery. Went with Tero Rissa who got the beautiful 6.5 pound hen rainbow tr...
Here are some photos taken from a fishing trip to Weipa in 2004 with Chris See.
Here are some photos from a trip to London Lakes in Tasmania that I made in December 2002.
Here are some of my favourite fishing photos from the age before digital cameras.
The railway rattled and roared and swung With jolting carriage and bumping trucks. The sun, like a billiard red ball, hung In the western sky: and the tireless tongue Of the wild-eyed man in the co...
I fish because I love to; because I love the environs where trout are found, which are invariably beautiful and I hate the environs where crowds of people are found, which are invariably ugly; beca...
Town of Telluride taken from the Jud Wiebe Trail
This photo of Stanwell Park was taken back in 1999.
Been taking flying lessons and took my first solo in a Cessna 152 in December 1996.
Fished the South Island of New Zealand in November 1996 with fishing buddy Beard. Here are some pictures of the trip.
After reading the April 1994 article, “Chemistry and Physics in the Kitchen” in Scientific American, I made liquid nitrogen ice cream for the first time with Drs Barry Flower and Markus Schenkel.
Black marlin on fly, Cape Bowling Green, Queensland
Photos from my postdoc at SGS Thomson in Milan. I had a great time over there and made some lifelong friends.
Introduction Barramundi