Scheme primer
Here is an excellent primer on scheme, a lisp-like programming language.
Here is an excellent primer on scheme, a lisp-like programming language.
My wife wanted me to build her a shoe rack. Since you can buy one from Ikea for $20 and it is hardly going to be furniture, why not spend a day building one for considerably more?
The importance of stupidity in scientific research by Martin A. Schwartz is good essay on the nature of research. It explains that research is immersion in the unknown, we don’t know what we are do...
Here are some photos from the MICRO22 conference in Chicago. where we presented a tutorial on Deep Learning-Optimized FPGA Archiectures, slides available here.
While overseas, suddenly stopped working.
A really good entry to the International Obsfucated C Code Contest.
Here are installation instructions for installing Docker and running the software required for ELEC3608 Computer Architecture.
I had not used the Windows Subsystem for Linux before as it didn’t support encrypted drives. It has come a long way and here are some notes.