Recent posts

The History of Australian Computing

Resources on the history of computing in Australia: Graeme Philipson, A Vision Splendid - The History of Australian Computing, 2017 John Deane, Connections in the History of Australian Computi...

Delivery of EDDI Payload for CUAVA-2

The Electron Density and Debris Instrument (EDDI) that I’ve been working on with Quinn Musulin, Iver Cairns and Joe Khachan was delivered. The instrument measures electric field spectrum using a di...

Phuket trip

Went for a 1 week holiday in Phuket. It was many years ago that we were last there.

World tour

I am on sabbatical this semester so on my return trip from the FPGA conference, I came back the long way via England, Italy, Switzerland and Hong Kong. The purpose was give a lecture about our rece...