John Moyle Memorial Field Day 2020
The Manly Warringah Radio Society activated Barrington Tops in the John Moyle Memorial Field Day this year.
The Manly Warringah Radio Society activated Barrington Tops in the John Moyle Memorial Field Day this year.
Here is how I configured Anaconda and Pytorch 0.4.1 on the Ubuntu 18.04 system mentioned here. This was for running DTWnet.
Over a couple of weekends, made a raised garden bed for the back garden.
Today on the operating table we have a mid-2011 iMac with a dead hard disk.
Some interesting links.
Photos from North Brother Lookout.
Photos from Balls Head.
Warren’s brother, Derek and his son Eden were visiting from Broome and we took them out on the Hawkesbury. We only had a few hours and the tides were not quite right.