Honda HRU19D Lawnmower Full Service (Carburettor, Oil, Spark Plugs, Blades)
My Honda HRU19D has gone 10 years without a service.
My Honda HRU19D has gone 10 years without a service.
Installation of software for Ettus B210.
When doing a bundle update I got an error telling me that installing ffi failed, and the following had to be fixed: ``` phwl@x86_64-apple-darwin13 % gem install ffi -v ‘1.12.2’ –sou...
Openconnect makes it easy to use the University of Sydney VPN on Ubuntu.
The Manly Warringah Radio Society activated Barrington Tops in the John Moyle Memorial Field Day this year.
Here is how I configured Anaconda and Pytorch 0.4.1 on the Ubuntu 18.04 system mentioned here. This was for running DTWnet.
Over a couple of weekends, made a raised garden bed for the back garden.
Today on the operating table we have a mid-2011 iMac with a dead hard disk.