Recent posts

Open Day 2023

Photos from the University of Sydney Open Day 2023. Thanks so much for those that helped out.

The History of Australian Computing

Resources on the history of computing in Australia: Graeme Philipson, A Vision Splendid - The History of Australian Computing, 2017 John Deane, Connections in the History of Australian Computi...

Delivery of EDDI Payload for CUAVA-2

The Electron Density and Debris Instrument (EDDI) that I’ve been working on with Quinn Musulin, Iver Cairns and Joe Khachan was delivered. The instrument measures electric field spectrum using a di...

Phuket trip

Went for a 1 week holiday in Phuket. It was many years ago that we were last there.

World tour

I am on sabbatical this semester so on my return trip from the FPGA conference, I came back the long way via England, Italy, Switzerland and Hong Kong. The purpose was give a lecture about our rece...