Trailer Bearings
Here is how you tell what types of trailer bearings you have without taking them out.

A clear explanation is given here and this pdf is also helpful.
In summary, measure from centre of one stud to the next stud:
- 68MM = FORD
- 70MM = HQ
Also check the axle:
- 39mm Round Axles - 750kg maximum operating weight per Axle. Runs LM (Holden) bearings
- 40mm Square Axles - 1000kg maximum operating weight per Axle. Runs LM (Holden) bearings
- 45mm Square Axles - 1500kg maximum operating weight per Axle. Runs SL (Ford) bearings
Here are the part numbers.
LM (Holden bearings) suit 39mm Round & 40 mm Square Axles - 1000kg weight capacity / pair
· Outer (small) bearings # LM 11949 - Bearing
# LM 11910 - Cup
· Inner (large) bearings # LM 67048 - Bearing
# LM 67010 - Cup
SL (Ford bearings) suit 45mm Square Axles - 1400kg weight capacity / pair
· Outer (small) bearings # L 12749 - Bearing
# L 12710 - Cup
· Inner (large) bearings # L 68149 - Bearing
# L 68110 - Cup