Tokyo Institute of Technology Tsubame 3.0 Visit
Hosted by Prof Hiroki Nakahara and Prof Yuko Hara-Azumi, I gave a talk entitled “Large Scale FPGA Implementations of Machine Learning Algorithms” (slides available at /talks) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The highlight was a visit to the Tsubame 3.0 supercomputer. In the photo below, from left to right, myself, Prof Yuko Hara-Azumi (Tokyo Tech), Prof Nachiket Kapre (Waterloo) and Prof Hiroki Nakahara (Tokyo Tech).

The machine was ranked first in the Green 500 List (June 2017), in which it achieved 14.1 GFlops/Watt Linpack efficiency, and 13nd in the Top 500 (November 2017). It has 36,288 cores and has a Linpack performance of 1998 TFlop/s, drawing a remarkable 142 kW.

This is the entrance to the machine room.

Inside one of the cabinets.
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Note the serious plumbing above the racks.
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One of the compute nodes.

Another machine, Tsubame-KFC, a previous Green 500 winner, is immersed in oil.

It lives inside this container.