Smoked duck
One of my favorite dishes is smoked duck.
We made it based on this recipe.
First clean duck. We were worried it wouldn’t fit in the
wok so we cut it in half.

Make brine using 1 cinamon stick, bay leaves, 1/4 cup of salt and 3 star anise in a pot with 500 ml of water. Boil for 5-10 min.

Put duck in large pot and cover with 1500 ml of cold water. Then add the brine, making make sure the duck is fully submerged. Put pot in the fridge.
After 6 hours, add 600 ml of water and boil for 1 hour. In a wok lined with foil, put 1/2 cup of rice, 4 tablespoons of tea and 6 bay leaves.

Wipe the duck dry. Rub Sichuan pepper powder and paprika onto the surface of the duck. Put on top of a stand over the steaming ingredients and use a lid on the wok.

We did the rest of the cooking outside to avoid smoking our entire house. Start with a high heat and when it starts smoking, go to medium. Smoke for 30 minutes.

Smoked duck!