Hawkesbury 2016 Photos from another great trip to the Hawkesbury River. Fully loaded boat The new Stacer Pretty harsh fines Boat and campsite Flathead Which was cooked with onions for breakfast Cooking fire Couple of bream for dinner Warren by the fire We caught a few of these Soapy (small jewfish) Nippers Warren full throttle Whiting Nice bream Share on Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Previous Next
Workshop on Domain-Specialized FPGAs I gave a talk on Domain-specifixc FPGAs for Radio Frequency Machine Learning at the First Workshop on Domain-Specialized FPGAs.
Victorinox Foldable Paring Knife Reprofile to Drop Point It’s easy to modify a Victorinox Foldable Paring Knife to a drop point profile.
2015 Evinrude ETEC 50hp Service Here is how to service an ETEC 50hp outboard including fuel filter, gearcase oil and water pump.