Hawkesbury River 2013
Our trips to the Hawkesbury River have become an annual event.
As usual, the boat ramp was at capacity.

Went overboard with supplies, not much room for the passengers.

Warren at the campsite.

Campfire on the first night.

Bandicoot hole, we saw it after dark but didn’t get a photograph.
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Cicada wing. The cicadas were really noisy and like an alarm clock set for the crack of dawn. Other insect life included ticks from which I received two bites.
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These were baked in foil for dinner on the first night.
This trip, we had exceptional flathead fishing.

The biggest was around 50 cm.
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Mulloway just short of the 45 cm minimum.

On the way to the boat ramp at 6am to collect Barry for a day of fishing, our outboard started playing up and we had to restart about 10 times. Fortunately, we guessed that it was due to contaminated petrol and with a new tank, we were soon on our way. Unfortunately, that day, gale force winds were in place and the fishing was quiet. Fortunately, Barry managed to get this flattie.
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Warren had the brilliant idea of putting the food in his tent so that animals wouldn’t take it in the middle of the night. Something (probably a monitor lizard), made a hole in his tent and munched through half a loaf of bread. This photo shows the field repair in progress.
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Another enjoyable trip but nothing really that wasn’t covered previously. Although most of our catch were flathead, we also caught bream, mulloway, catfish and a stingray.
Our outboard is an Evinrude E30RLETA from 1993, still works beautifully but back at Warren’s place, we broke the outboard’s swivel bracket - another problem to fix!