Forster 2007
Forster is about a four hour drive from Sydney. Went on a very brief overnight camping/fishing trip with my good friends from Sydney University, Warren and Chris.

Didn’t arrive until late in the afternoon but the conditions were almost perfect. We had packed Chris’ car to the limit with gear.

Went straight to our spot.

It wasn’t long before Warren caught the first tailor (note that hat, you have to be very self-confident to be seen in public in a hat like that).

Others soon followed.

The next morning was cold but there was a perfect mirror on the water beside which we camped.

Made breakfast.

Got some cunji for bait.

and fished at the breakwall.

In the evening, we fished the rocks again. This time I used cunji and pilchard pieces. Got a blackfish (also called luderick) on my first cast.

Here is Chris with a tailor.

We also caught some bream

and here is the largest tailor we got, caught on a small spinning rod with 3kg line. The tailor jumped about 4 times and took about 10 min to land.

Ended up with a nice mixed bag, we released some of the fish but also kept some for the table.

Overall, had a great fishing trip with good friends. Life doesn’t get any better.